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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Grandee?

Grandee is an Online Influencer Platform, Collaboration Directory and Creators Marketplace. We help Brands and Agencies to connect and collaborate directly with the right Creators, based on their Social Data, Algorithms and References.

We offer a range of features and services, such as:

  • A directory of influencers & UGC creators, with information on their audience size, engagement, and niche. This allows brands to easily search and find the right influencers for their campaigns.
  • A creators marketplace where brands and influencers can negotiate and agree on the terms of their partnership, such as the length of the campaign, the type of content the influencer will create, and the compensation they will receive.
  • Tools and services to help brands and influencers manage their campaigns, such as approval processes, and reporting.
  • Secure payment solutions, such as escrow services, to ensure that influencers are paid on time and in accordance with the terms of their agreement.

Grandee can provide a range of benefits for both brands and influencers. We can make it easier for brands to find and connect with the right influencers, and can provide tools and services to help them manage their campaigns more effectively. For influencers, the platform can provide access to new opportunities and can help them build their brand and grow their following.


Influencer Marketing is another marketing tactic, where Brands collaborate with Influencers to increase Brand Awareness and Sales, by putting the Products or Services in the hands of the Influencers to create authentic content across social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube etc.

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves partnering with individuals who have a strong online presence and influence over a specific group of people. These individuals, known as influencers, typically have a large and engaged following on social media or other online platforms.

Brands can partner with influencers to promote their products or services to the influencer’s followers. The influencer creates content that showcases the brand’s products or services, and shares it with their followers. This content can take the form of sponsored posts, sponsored stories, product reviews, or other forms of branded content.

Influencer Marketing is an effective way for brands to reach their target audience and drive brand awareness and engagement. Because influencers have a strong relationship with their followers, their content is often seen as more authentic and trustworthy than traditional forms of advertising. This can help build trust and credibility for the brand, and can ultimately drive sales and revenue.


According to a survey conducted by the Norman & Nielsen Group in 2012, 92% of customers pay their trust in friends or family members’ recommendations while only 33% believe in traditional online advertising. Via Influencer Marketing, Brands and Advertisers can increase their Brand Identity, build Customer Trust and push Sales.

There are several reasons why brands should consider applying influencer marketing in their marketing strategies:

  1. Reach a targeted audience: Influencer marketing allows brands to reach a highly targeted and engaged audience. By partnering with influencers who have a following that matches their target audience, brands can effectively promote their products or services to the right people.
  2. Build trust and credibility: Influencers have a strong relationship with their followers, and their content is often seen as more authentic and trustworthy than traditional forms of advertising. By partnering with influencers, brands can tap into this trust and credibility, and can ultimately build stronger relationships with their customers.
  3. Increase brand awareness and engagement: Influencer marketing can help increase brand awareness and engagement by putting the brand in front of a large and engaged audience. By creating engaging and authentic content, influencers can help drive more traffic and engagement to the brand’s website and social media channels.
  4. Improve customer acquisition and retention: Influencer marketing can help improve customer acquisition and retention by driving more traffic and engagement to the brand’s website and social media channels. By building trust and credibility, influencer marketing can help convert followers into customers and can help retain existing customers.

Overall, influencer marketing can provide a range of benefits for brands, including increased reach, trust, and engagement.


Influencers are social network users who can influence remarkable Fans/Followers. The Fans and Followers will pay attention to influencers’ shared content. Influencers are individuals who have a strong online presence and influence over a specific group of people. They typically have a large and engaged following on social media or other online platforms, and are known for their expertise or knowledge in a particular niche or industry.

Influencers can come from a variety of backgrounds and can have different levels of influence. Some influencers are celebrities who are already well-known in their own right, while others are industry experts or content creators who have built a strong following through their expertise or content. Regardless of their background, influencers are known for their ability to engage and influence their followers, and are often seen as trusted sources of information and recommendations.

Brands can partner with influencers to promote their products or services to the influencer’s followers, and can tap into the influencer’s credibility and influence to drive brand awareness and engagement.


UGC creators, or User-Generated Content creators, are individuals who actively contribute content on social networks or other online platforms. These creators play a key role in generating content that is authentic and resonates with their audience. UGC creators are everyday people who share their experiences, opinions, and creativity with a broader community. They may not necessarily be celebrities but can have a significant impact due to the relatability and authenticity of their content.

These creators build their following by consistently producing content that others find interesting, entertaining, or valuable. Unlike influencers, UGC creators may not always have a large and engaged audience, but their influence often stems from the genuine nature of their contributions. UGC creators can come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from hobbyists passionate about a specific topic to individuals sharing personal experiences or reviews. The content they create is often characterized by its realness and the personal touch they bring to it.

Brands can collaborate with UGC creators to leverage the authenticity and trust associated with user-generated content. Partnering with UGC creators allows brands to tap into a more genuine and community-driven approach to promotion, where real people share their experiences with products or services.


Influencer marketing can be used to promote a wide range of products or services, including:

  • Consumer goods, such as clothing, beauty products, and home goods
  • Food and beverages, such as restaurants, cafes, and food products
  • Technology products, such as smartphones, laptops, and smart home devices
  • Travel and hospitality, such as hotels, airlines, and travel experiences
  • Health and wellness products, such as fitness products, supplements, and health services
  • Entertainment, such as movies, TV shows, and music

Overall, influencer marketing can be used to promote a wide range of products or services, and can be an effective way for brands to reach their target audience and drive brand awareness and engagement.

Influencer marketing campaigns must not contain violent, sexual, political, or religious content, and must abide by international law. This is important to ensure that the content created by influencers is appropriate and compliant with legal and ethical standards. Brands and influencers should carefully review the terms and conditions of their agreement to ensure that the content they create adheres to these guidelines.

You can find creators by channel as well.

If you wish to change your handle, simply send us a message and we will help you with the process. However, please note that we require a valid reason for any handle change requests.


If you’d like to include multiple niches in your profile, please get in touch with us and indicate your primary and secondary niches. We’ll be happy to update your profile accordingly.

Create Your Profile

After you have created your account you can submit your service or campaign through your Dashboard.

Create UGC Services

Create Influencer Services

Create Collaboration Campaigns

As our platform is free to use, we do not offer a special deal to non-profits yet. But we are happy to hear about your cause and consider supporting you in a way we can. Let’s discuss. Just drop us a message.


We believe in making sure creators get a fair share. When you use our platform, most of the money goes to the creators, and we only take a small cut to cover our costs.

If you’re a brand working with an agency, you might be paying 2-3 times more than necessary. Agencies often take a big piece of the budget, leaving creators with only a small part. Want better content? Cut out the middleman and get content straight from Grandee.


We take a 20% fee on every order from creators to keep the platform running smoothly. For brands there are no additional fees included. This money helps with important things like handling payments, providing customer support, and doing marketing. When we advertise more and improve the platform, it brings in more potential clients for you.

We really want to keep our fees low so you can keep more of what you earn. Plus, we aim for lots of brands to use our platform, making sure our fantastic creators always have a steady flow of orders.


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The Collaboration Platform
For Creators And Brands
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