Code Of Conductarrow downss

Code of Conduct

Grandee has an obligation to conduct its business in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws.


We are committed to helping all users act in a way that preserves trust and respect. This code is meant as a guide to using our website appropriately and must be followed at all times. Breaches of this code will result in disciplinary action, up to, and including, account termination. Any questions regarding this code should be addressed to the Grandee Support Team where we can provide you with additional information regarding the correct procedure(s) to follow, and address any concerns you may have.

Personal Behavior

    • I will act ethically and with integrity.

    • I will comply with all of Grandee’s policies.

    • I will respect the rights of all users.

    • I will not abuse confidential information, or participate in any other illegal practice.

    • I will have regard for users’ interests, rights and safety.

    • I will not harass, bully or discriminate.

    • I will not falsify my own or any other identity and I will provide true and correct information.

User Content

I am responsible for the content I post on Grandee and:

    • I will not post content that infringes upon any copyright or other intellectual property rights.

    • I will not post content that violates any law or regulation.

    • I will not post content that is defamatory.

    • I will not post content that is obscene or contains child pornography.

    • I will not post content that includes incomplete, false or inaccurate information about any person, product, or service.

    • I will not post content that contains any viruses or programming routines intended to damage any system.

    • I will not post content that creates liability for Grandee or harms its business operations or reputation.


    • I will respect confidentiality and privacy.

    • I will not disclose information or documents I have acquired, other than as required by law or where authorization is given by Grandee.


    • I will not ask other Grandee users for their private contact details and will communicate with them only through official website features and provided contact options.


    • I will not engage in fraud.

    • I will not create multiple accounts.

    • I will not use the website to generate false feedback about any person, product, or service.


    • I will avoid exaggeration, derogatory remarks, and inappropriate references.

    • I will not engage in personal attacks, negative or other unfair criticism, and any unprofessional conduct.

Spam or Advertising

    • I will not spam or advertise my website or service unless otherwise allowed.


    • I will not use Grandee to facilitate money exchange between users including, but not limited to, cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoin, ethereum, etc).